Joint statement: Governor creates chaos and confusion with badly planned furlough rollout

2020-12-11T10:20:00-10:00December 11, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

One day after Gov. David Ige announced plans to furlough tens of thousands of employees in his state workforce, details are emerging showing the so-called plan actually isn’t one.

HSTA, HGEA, UHPA, UPW issue joint statement on furloughs

2020-12-10T10:55:00-10:00December 10, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA), the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA), the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA), and the United Public Workers (UPW) stand in strong opposition to Gov. David Ige’s plan to unilaterally implement furloughs starting in January 2021.

HSTA, HGEA, UPW issue joint statement calling for delayed return of students to campus

2020-07-23T12:11:00-10:00July 23, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

We have a critical obligation to our communities to take every step and precaution necessary to ensure the safety of our students and members as we reopen schools.

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