HSTA recent news

HSTA victories: New funding source for schools, pesticide buffer zones near schools

2019-08-27T00:01:27-10:00May 8, 2018|Categories: News|

Successfully advocating for a constitutional amendment on the ballot this fall to better fund schools is the HSTA’s biggest and most important legislative achievement this year. Here’s a list of the school-related bills that passed and those that we advocated for but did not pass.

Statistics show Hawaii at or near the bottom on school spending, which hurts our keiki

2019-08-27T00:01:58-10:00April 27, 2018|Categories: News|

Click on these links to see the source and background of these statistics which show how Hawaii's chronic underfunding of public education is hurting our children with low high school completion rates and Native Hawaiian students in public schools more likely to have unqualified teachers.

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